Find Help for Suicidal Thoughts. Build Mental Health Awareness in India

Mental health awareness in India is very a very important step toward mental health in India. 

According to mental health statistics in India in 2021, around 200 million people suffer mental health issues in India like depression, stigma, and annoyance on day to day basis. But are unaware that they can be cured. 

If you are facing stiff mental issues due to any physical assault, depression, etc; note that there is always a solution to all of these.

Don’t forget to contact a specialist from anywhere in India for Free.

Find the below NGO and Health care services that provide consultation without any cost and do conceal your identity for privacy.

mental health issues in india

Below are the 5 Best Consultant for Mental Health in India


Contact: 9820466726
Timings: 24×7
Languages: English, Hindi

2. Snehi

Contact: 9582208181
Timings: 10am – 10pm, all days
Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi

3. Fortis MentalHealth

Contact: 8376804102
Timings: 24×7; All days
Languages: Achiku, Assamese, Bengali, Dogri, English, Gujarati,
Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,
Rajasthani, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu

4. Connecting NGO

Contact: 9922004305, 9922001122
Timings: 12pm – 8pm; All days
Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi

5. Vandrevala Foundation

Contact: 18602662345
Timings: 24×7
Languages: Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati and English

Do remember there is always a solution to every problem. Losing your life is not a solution.

Keep your yourself from suicidal thoughts and get help from a professional asap.

Online therapy is a term used to describe mental health counseling that you can receive from the comfort of your own home in front of your PC or right at your fingertips on your smartphone.

Online therapy is a great way for people dealing with mental health issues to get easy, convenient, and reliable counseling that usually ends up being cheaper than in-person therapy.

Please be aware that online therapy is not the right answer for urgent mental health emergencies. Anyone in need of urgent medical care should visit the nearest hospital to get the help they need.

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